Why Ergonomics Matter
Why do Ergonomics matter?
For us to answer this question, first we must understand fully what ergonomics is. Ergonomics is designing a job to be fit for the worker so that the work is both safer and more efficient. Examples of ergonomics are present in many workplaces, we see split keyboards in places where workers type often, lifts present where workers are asked to move heavy objects, variable height desks where workers spend many hours a day. These types of solutions are to solve ergonomic problems that can be found in many workplaces. But why is it important to solve these ergonomic issues?
Ergonomic problems are detrimental to the workplace in many ways. The strain on an employee via an awkward posture, heavy lifting, extreme temperature, or repetitive motions can affect the musculoskeletal system. This can lead to employees becoming injured temporarily or worse, sustaining an injury that leads to chronic pain for the remainder of their life. Not only can ergonomic problems be detrimental to employee health, but can also be problematic to work efficiency and effectiveness. Overall, Ergonomic problems are roadblocks for any company looking to streamline its productivity. To highlight how ergonomics could benefit your workplace, here are five advantages of ergonomics in the workplace.

Ergonomics Increase Morale
When ergonomic solutions are introduced into a work environment, an employee feels that their employer sees them as valuable. They begin to feel more comfortable and confident in the workplace. They will less frequently feel uneasy or anxious about doing many of the tasks presently assigned to them and will be more likely to accept new responsibilities if they feel like what they truly are, a valuable asset to the company.
Fewer Employees Experiencing Pain
Ergonomic improvements for employees can eliminate many instances where employees feel pain. Even if this pain doesn’t lead to days of absence, this pain can be a large mental strain on an employee and could potentially develop into something more severe, which could lead to the aforementioned days of absence. A work environment free of pain and extreme working conditions makes employees feel confident and a sense of satisfaction from their work.
Ergonomics Increases Productivity
When an employee has access to ergonomic solutions, their productivity and efficiency increase. An employee feeling safe, comfortable, and confident in their equipment and procedures will motivate them to perform to the best of their ability. Ergonomic solutions can also make a task much simpler and less taxing which enables an employee to perform it more often while exerting less force, leading to feeling less stressed and more satisfied with their work.
Ergonomics Increases Savings
Alongside many of these other benefits, we see ergonomic solutions will lead to increased savings. Perhaps the initial cost appears to be a barrier that bars employers from buying in on ergonomic solutions. In reality, ergonomic solutions are money-saving solutions. Ergonomic solutions lead to:
- Fewer injuries
- More productive and sustainable employees
- Fewer workers’ compensation claims
Ergonomics Reduced Absenteeism
Solutions to ergonomic problems can potentially alleviate strain and discomfort from an employee’s work life. This will also decrease the risk that an employee would sustain an injury that would require them to take a leave of absence from their work. This enables employees to come to work more often, and contribute to the company in a meaningful way, on a daily basis.
Overall, Ergonomic solutions can benefit a workplace in multiple ways, both seen and unseen. Here at Ergotronix, we create technology for the future! Our products make it safer and easier for your workers to handle any manufacturing or assembly jobs. Whether you need work positioners, lifts, or transportation equipment, we can help satisfy your needs. We continue to engineer customized solutions for our customers so that their ergonomic needs can be satisfied, no matter what they might be.