Hands-free operations during COVID-19
With Covid-19, we have entered very challenging times necessitating total changes in the way we work and how we socially interact. While the best minds in American ingenuity are working on solutions for our future, Ergotronix offers present solutions that may limit the spread of the Coronavirus and protect our work place and community.
Ergotronix has always been in the forefront of employee safety and optimizing human well- being. By providing unique product solutions that takes into account each individual’s physical characteristics as well as the movements and actions needed to accomplish the job safely.
In these times of Covid, new buzzwords like social distancing, hands free etc. are totally directing the way we behave and interact in our daily lives.
These best practices direct the reduction and spread of Covid also in our professional manufacturing structures. By providing distanced layouts, and individualized work functions in each workspace, individualized work stations utilizing the Ergo Master or Ergo Chief multi-axis work positioners can significantly move the needle to mitigate social distancing criteria, while increasing productivity.

Hands-free operations utilizing foot pedal-controlled operations found in the Ergo-I lifts or the Ergo Force work positioner, can also assist in improving healthy outcomes.

Manufacturing settings are also vulnerable to heavy lifting, many times requiring close quarters of multiple workers. Ergotronix offers proven motorized solutions for lifting , tuning, tilting objects up to 17,000 lbs., without manpower, closeness or risk of getting injured on the job.
The pandemic new guidelines are in many aspects part of the existing proven Ergotronix product design.
Browse our products at www.ergotronix.com to find the perfect ergonomic solution for your application.
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